What To Consider When You Are Thinking Of Renting A Banquet Hall For Your Wedding
ShareIf you have an upcoming wedding that you have to start planning, one of the first things you will need to figure out is where the reception will be held. After all, a lot of the other things that you will have to plan will be dependent on knowing the size and the layout of the place you are having the reception. To help ensure that you are going to be happy with the reception hall that you do end up with, you will want to review the following points.
The Allowed Number Of Occupants
Every banquet hall has a posted number of occupants that can be in the building at any one time according to the fire department and health regulations. Therefore, even though the hall might look big enough to squeeze in everyone you would want to invite to your reception, you will need to talk with the hall manager or owner to discuss how many people can be in there. Remember, besides invited guests, there will be you and your soon-to-be spouse, a caterer and his or her staff and members of a band or a DJ.
The Set Up For Food Preparation
If you are not hiring a professional caterer and your friends and family are bringing the food for everyone, you might need to see if the banquet hall has a food prep kitchen, a refrigerator, and possibly an oven so you can make sure that the food is nicely prepared and kept safe before the reception begins and all throughout the night. If you are going to hire a caterer, he or she should be able to bring their own coolers and heating trays in order to safely serve the food to you and all of your guests.
The Deposit
Generally, there is a deposit that you have to pay when you rent a banquet hall. When the reception is over and everything is cleaned up according to how the hall owners want it cleaned, the deposit is returned. However, it is important for you to get a clear understanding of how long it will take for the deposit to be returned to you. Some places will immediately return it upon the inspection of the room. Others will send it through the mail after a few weeks.
By knowing everything you can about the banquet halls, you will be able to make the best possible decision on which place you can rent.